Monday, 2 September 2013

For Class XI Com (3rd Sept) & XI Sc (5th Sept) Eng Drama

Arms and The Man : Act 2 : pg.38

First let's do some revision : Please write the answers to the following questions :
  • Why did Sergius decide to change his career ?  You should be able to list a minimum of three reasons.
  • How did those who heard his announcement react to what they heard ? Comment on their reactions.
  • What comments had Sergius made on war and soldiering ? What light do those comments shed on his assessment of the Swiss captain "he was a soldier : every inch a soldier !" ?
Now let us proceed, and we commence with Catherine's nervous inquiry. Do you agree with me that Catherine and Raina would be nervous and uncomfortable on hearing of this Swiss Captain ? Why would they be uncomfortable ? - it might be good for you to write the answer to this question.
  • "keen on picking up his profession" I feel that Sergius is still speaking sarcastically and commenting on the Swiss Captain being a cunning tradesman and that his "profession" refers more to his "trading" rather on his soldiership ! 
    • So, what would the phrase "picking up" mean ? It means to learn almost by accident, as in 'Rahul picked up the playing of basketball within a month of being at Goethals.' Now write a sentence of your own with this phrase
  • Why do you think Shaw puts in the comment about the foreigners role in the war ?
  • What could Raina's question "Are there many Swiss officers in the army ?" reveal of how she is responding to the conversation ? 
  • "humbugged" meaning deceived or tricked
  • "chargers" - refers to the horses !
  • "consummate" meaning very well skilled : 'Leez Ducet is a consummate BBC reporter on the middle eastern issues' - now write a sentence of your own with this word.
  • What do you feel causes Catherine's condemnation of Raina's question as "silly" ? 
  • "Bourgeois" - refers to a person belonging to the 'middle class', in this case referring to the fact that the rising middle class at the time the play was being acted were tradesmen.
So, that's what we'll do for today ! 

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