Thursday, 4 June 2015


6 (i) : Louka is the maid, a servant, in the house of Raina and Catherine Petkoff. Though she is of Bulgarian peasant background she is proud and defiant. Shaw tells us that she is a "handsome" girl.
          Louka asks the ladies to close all the windows as, after the defeat of the Serbs in the battle of Slivnitza, the Serbs are fleeing through the town chased by the Bulgarian cavalry. Also the town's people are ready for them and there is surely to be gun fire. Thus Louka would like the  windows to be closd to ensure that no stray bullets enter the house and hurt someone.

(ii) : The Serbs are being chased by the Bulgarian cavalry. They are being chased by the Bulgarian cavalry because they Serbs had been so badly defeated by the Bulgarians in the battle at Slivnitza that they were scattered and those who survived fled. The Bulgarians were after them as the war was still in progress and the Serbs were the enemy.
         The Serbs were being chased through the Dragoman pass next to which the town was situated and it was thus expected that the fleeing Serbs may head into the town.

(iii) : Now that Louka has come upstairs and has made sure that all the windows are closed and the upstairs of the house made safe, Catherine wants to check for herself that the lower part of the house is safe too from the fleeing Serbs.
          The characteristic traits which are referred to in the extract are firstly, Catherine's "housekeeping instincts", i.e. her natural inclination to ensure the well-being of her home. Secondly, Catherine shows a very practical and realistic part of her character when she makes Raina realise that in war the opposing enemies would not feel any pity for the people and forces of the opposing side.

(iv) : In this case the "wretched fugitives" are the Serbian soldiers who have just been defeated by the attack of Sergius cavalry regiment and they are more wretched for having being chased by the Bulgarian cavalry behind them and the people of the town ready to kill them as they enter the town.
          Raina feels that there is no glory in killing wretched fugitives as they were not standing up and putting up a fight and thus they had given up and were only running away to save their lives. thus killing such soldiers who clearly were no threat to them would not be something she could be proud of.

(v) : This extract creates suspense in the play because we wonder what impact this event will have on the lives of the characters we have just met - Raina, Catherine and Louka.We know later that one fugitive will seek refuge in Raina's room and his entry will change the course of Raina's and Louka's lives.

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