Thursday 10 March 2016

WK BK PGS 80 TO 82

19 (i) : 'The Man' who had taken and been given refuge in raina's room had spoken these words (we have learnt that he is a Swiss mercenary and later we come to know that he is named Bluntschli).
        He is describing the manner in which the leader of the Bulgarian cavalry regiment led the cavalry charge against the artillery regiment of which 'The man' had been part.
        He is giving the description on Raina's request. 'The man' had been given a very anti-romantic description of a cavalry charge but Raina had not agreed with his description, protesting that she knew the leader was a "hero". The Man had sarcastically remarked that that would have been her comment if she had seen the charge. But Raina had completely missed the sarcasm in his reply and had almost pleaded with him to recount the leader's heroism.

(ii) : "He" refers to the leader of the Bulgarian cavalry regiment who had led his regiment's attack on the Serbian artillery positions at the battle at Slivnitza. The leader's name was Sergius Saranoff, Raina's fiance.
          "He" is described as an operatic tenor, for like a character singing a solo piece at an opera, the leader was alone in front of the rest of his regiment boldly leading his men.

(iii) : 'The Man' describes, in the extract, the personality of the leader of the Bulgarian regiment comparing him to Don Quixote. In so doing , 'The Man' informs us that that leader semed to have lost touch with reality; was chasing after illusion and was a madman - he actually calls him so later in the scene. 'The Man' said his foolishness was comic.

(iv) : "charging like Don Quixote at the windmills" refers to the character in Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's work The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Manch. In one of the episodes Don Quixote in his disillusionment attacked a windmill believing it to be a giant attacking the poor people. In comparing the leader of the Bulgarian cavalry regiment which had led his troops in an attack against a Serbian artillery regiment at Slivnitza, the Bulgarian leader had shown himself to be as disillusioned at Don Quixote, bot who were leading a futile attack.

(v) : "We" refers to the soldiers of the Serbian artillery regiment who were being attacked by the Bulgarian cavalry regiment led by Sergius at the battle at Slivnitza.
         They laughed at the attacking cavalry regiment because they found it ridiculous that the cavalry regiment should have attacked and the Serbian artillery regiment was sure that they would destroy the attacking Bulgarian cavalry regiment long before it reached them.

(vi) : The dramatic irony in the extract is that this ridiculous attack actually worked and the Bulgarian cavalry regiment did defeat the Serbian artillery regiment, routing them completely as the Serbs could not fire a shot as they had the wrong ammunition and the daring risk taken by the leader of the Bulgarian cavalry regiment resulted in the victory of the Bulgarians over the Serbians and the end of the war.

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