Sunday, 18 August 2013

Class XI Com Eng Drama 19th Aug

Good Day ! and welcome to our next session :

As we usually, do let's go back on some of the matter we have learnt :
  • Do you remember some of the characteristics of Major Sergius Saranoff ?
  • Which of the above characteristics, as noted by Shaw did you find surprising ? Why ? I was quite surprised that Shaw thought that he had "an acute critical faculty" this seems to be at odds with what 'The man' though of him and what Paul Petkoff thinks of him ! So, i'll be looking out for signs of that characteristic !
We shall be reading down through pages 36-37 until Raina enters the scene.
  • What does Shaw mean by noting that Petkoffs peaks "drily" ? I would feel that here he means something more like sternly rather than with no emotion ! Paul is not taking kindly to Sergius calling Catherine "Mother" ! because that would make Paul - "Father" - I don't think Paul would be too pleased to be so closely related to Sergius !
  • Use the internet to find who the 'Cossacks' are; 
  • What is the significance of Sergius saying "Everyone who knew me" - is there a mystery to Sergius' character which they are to discover - which we are to discover ? 
  • The fact that Sergius easily charms women - by his looks and now by his heroics is clear when Catherine says : "The women are on your side; and they will see justice is done you." Why have the likes of Paul, 'The Man' and other officers in the army not seen Sergius for who he thinks he is. Is there some truth that his unconventional tactics "wounded the self-esteem" more more professional soldiers ? Is it therefore a good move on his part to move out of the army and take up a profession elsewhere ?

  • You could make sentences of your own with the following words and phrases : scrupulous; routed; etiquette; vexed; 
  • This is the first we have seen of Sergius in person. What impression has he made on you ? Could you write a few lines about that ?

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