Hope that all of you are well !
Today we wish to do a short section - just from the time Raina enters and just to the end of page 37.
Since we are seeing for the first time in Act 2, could we go back to the beginning of Act 1 and revise what Shaw had said of her the ? Shaw had noted that she was "Intensively conscious of.....her own youth and beauty". This is important as Raina makes quite a dramatic entry - "posing regally", making a "Charming picture". While her father beams with parental pride and notes how she "always appears at the right moment", surprisingly, her mother finds it an "abominable habit" ! I wonder why ? What do you feel ?
Sergius is not to be outdone in behaviour which is described as chivalrous and gallant.
Later in this Act we will need to note such behaviour - behaviour which will be considered a sign of "higher love" - we will need to take note of how the protagonists feel about that type of love !
It is Catherine who brings the conversation back to where it was left off before Raina made her distracting appearance ! Paul, Sergius and herself shocked with the news that Sergius had told them he had resigned from the army ? Do you remember why ?
Note what Sergius has to say about soldiering. Paul seems to agree with him - what they say, combined with what 'The Man' had said about war in Act all help to deromanticise war.
Today we wish to do a short section - just from the time Raina enters and just to the end of page 37.
Since we are seeing for the first time in Act 2, could we go back to the beginning of Act 1 and revise what Shaw had said of her the ? Shaw had noted that she was "Intensively conscious of.....her own youth and beauty". This is important as Raina makes quite a dramatic entry - "posing regally", making a "Charming picture". While her father beams with parental pride and notes how she "always appears at the right moment", surprisingly, her mother finds it an "abominable habit" ! I wonder why ? What do you feel ?
Sergius is not to be outdone in behaviour which is described as chivalrous and gallant.
Later in this Act we will need to note such behaviour - behaviour which will be considered a sign of "higher love" - we will need to take note of how the protagonists feel about that type of love !
It is Catherine who brings the conversation back to where it was left off before Raina made her distracting appearance ! Paul, Sergius and herself shocked with the news that Sergius had told them he had resigned from the army ? Do you remember why ?
Note what Sergius has to say about soldiering. Paul seems to agree with him - what they say, combined with what 'The Man' had said about war in Act all help to deromanticise war.
- check out the internet for a description of 'ecru'
- find out the meanings of the following words and make sentences of your own so as to bring out their meaning : to drape; dainty; impulsive; beaming; abominable; stooping; out of harm's way;
- over the weekend you could write up o how Shaw has succeeded in deromanticising war in the play, thus far.
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