Sunday, 17 May 2015


19 (i) : The word "irony" in this context means that what is said is "incongruous" - i.e not agreeable. It is Sergius, himself who began speaking to Louka about the relationship he was having with Rain - speaking about "higher love". It is also surprising that Sergius should speak about what is "gentlemanly" as he is being acting, by flirting with Louka, inappropriately with his public declaration of being betrothed to her.

(ii) : Louka says That "it is hard to know what a gentleman considers right", because if Sergius is to be considered a 'gentleman', his behaviour with her - flirting with her behind the back of his "lad-love" is definitely not gentlemanly. Louka is straightforward with Sergius and tells him to his face "I thought from your trying to kiss me that you had given up being so particular."

(iii) : Louka thinks that Sergius had "given up being so particular" because if he had thought that being gentlemanly was so important and if he was so meticulous about behaving like a gentleman, he would not not have been dishonest in his relationship with Raina, his "lady-love" and would have not discussed his relationship with Raina with Louka, nor would he have been flirting with Louka - slipping his arm around her waist, trying to kiss her or asking her if she considered him handsome.

(iv) : Sergius calls Louka a devil as if accusing her of leading him into temptation (the work of the devil). In so doing, Sergius puts the entire blame for his dishonourable behaviour with Louka. On the other hand, I believe, that Sergius is as much accusing himself of being a "devil" - as he realises all the evil (dishonesty) within him.

(v) : By saying "six of you" Louka is referring to the description Sergius had given of himself, at first very arrogantly - calling himself the "hero of Slivnitza", "the apostle of higher love" and Sergius himself notes "the half dozen Sergiuses who keep popping in and out of this handsome figure of mine". Louka, however, is not so deceived about his personality as Sergius is. She is realistic. She refers to the more negative aspects of his personality - aspects which she leads Sergius to recognising in himself.

(vi) : Louka says that "one of the six of you is very like me". She does not specify which one of the characteristics of Sergius she is referring to. However, since Sergius has just called her a "Devil" she probably means to tell Sergius that the devilish characteristic he sees in her is very much in him - he has been leading her to be dishonest with his mistress (Raina) by flirting with him. In this exchange we realise that Louka is bold and absolutely honest. She does not deny that part of herself which is attracted to Sergius. However she is forthright and thus forces Sergius to see the truth of who he is.

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