Friday, 29 May 2015


5 (i) : When Raina calls herself "a prosaic little coward" she means that she nondescript (insignificant - unimportant) person, who was afraid of faces the challenges of life. She says this about herself because she regrets having not believed in Sergius' heroic nature. She had wondered whether he would really prove he was glorious as he looked when he actually had to prove himself in battle. She had doubted him even when he held her in his arms. She doubted him because she thought that real life was seldom perfect and that people always seemed to fall short of one's expectations.
          Raina is very critical of herself in this statement. Her mother had chided her for her doubting Sergius. Circumstances seem to have proved her so convincingly wrong about Sergius, that she begins to be unduly self-critical. However, this manner does not persist.  It tells us that she is still to gain inner strength to trust her opinions and is till easily swayed.

(ii) : "all true" refers to Sergius and all the promise he seemed to hold. Raina's mother, Catherine, had selected Sergius for marriage to her daughter and had been disappointed that her daughter had not believed how wonderful Sergius was and had made him wait for a year before being betrothed to him. Raina had doubted Sergius even when she had "Buckled on his sword" - meaning when she swooned on seeing him look so smart in his soldier's uniform. She had doubted him even when he had held her in his arms - wondering whether she would be disillusioned or whether Sergius would be a failure. She wondered if he would "cut a poor figure" before the Russians, even though he looked so handsome !
         It became "all true" when Sergius proved that he was really as glorious as he seemed to be. He proved that when he daringly and courageously led his cavalry regiment in an attack on the enemy Serb cannon positions when the Russian officers had decided not to challenge the Serbs because of their superior position. Sergius' surprise charge succeeded. The enemy cannon did not fire and the Serb regiment was routed and the Bulgarians won the battle at Slivnitza. Sergius was the "hero of the hour" and "idol of his regiment".

(iii) : In this extract, Raina says that she feels that Sergius "is just as splendid as he looks !"
         Earlier in the play she had said that even when she had "buckled on Sergius' sword he looked so noble" she thought of "disillusion", "humiliation" and "failure". Even when he was holding her in his arms and looking into her eyes she doubted him - thinking that Life is never as perfect as the romantic poets and operas make it out to be. She doubted whether in a real battle he would disappoint. She wondered if he might "cut a poor figure" compared to the Russian officers.

(iv) : Raina says that the world is a glorious place for women who can see the worlds "glory" and "men who can act its romance". By this she means that the life really becomes perfect if women imagine the ideal and heroic nature of life. When their dream is matched with the chivalry and courage of the men who dare to live up to the romantic ideals - the world truly becomes an ideal place to live in.
         This suggests that Raina and Sergius have committed themselves to the romantic and idealistic notions of life and they have committed to living by those ideals in their lives - in love and war. It reveals that both of them are idealists.

(v) : Raina is feeling so happy because life seems really perfect to her at this moment. The person to whom she is engaged to be married has proved himself to be the very kind of man he portrayed himself to be. She was absolute convened at this moment that she had met the perfect person and all that was left was for her to get married to Sergius and they would live happily forever.
         The "unspeakable fulfillment" Raina speaks of is the feeling which accompany complete satisfaction in life. This satisfaction and joy comes from being totally convinced that the man she is betrothed has proved to her that he is truly the best life partner for her. She is going to enter into a life of total bliss with him.

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