Tuesday, 19 May 2015


20 (i) : The question which is tormenting Sergius is who is true self really is. Sergius has been living a false life projecting the romantic image of who he thinks he should be - "the hero of Slivnitza" and the "apostle of higher love". But he also finds himself acting in manners which makes him ashamed of himself - thus he says that sometimes he acts like "a buffoon....humbug......blackguard......coward". The question expresses a yearning within him to be his true, authentic self.

(ii) : Sergius feels that he has six facets as he finds himself behaving in such different ways. At Slivnitza, he followed the ideal of what he thought would be the actions of a patriotic and courageous Bulgarian soldier and led his cavalry charge against Serbian cannon and remarkably came out victorious and the "hero" of the nation. He acts out the ideal of "higher love" abd raina seems swept off her feet in love with him and calls him her "Lord" and "King" and feels that he is the "apostle" of higher love. In this manner, he seems to be behave in as many different ways as  the occasion present itself to him.

(iii) : Sergius was the "hero" of the nation when he acted with courage and daring, risking his life for his nation be leading his cavalry regiment against the Serbian cannon. His daring action won the Bulgarians the battle and he was the "hero of the hour". On the other hand, behind his "lady-love's" back he is dishonest in love to her and flirts with Louka - this dishonesty proves that he is a "humbug" - he is a hypocrite - he is insincere.

(iv) : Sergius is jealous that Raina was in love with someone else. Louka has told him that "you making love to me behind Miss Raina's back; and she doing the same behind yours". He is so jealous that immediately after this passage Sergius demands from Louka "Who is my rival ?" Sergius is thus jealous of the competitor he has for Raina's hand in marriage.

(v) : This extract tells me that Sergius is firstly very honest about who he is. He faces himself squarely and is honest with the "seamy side" of who he is - "the humbug.....buffoon......blackguard.......coward". However, he could also be considered as a very dishonest person who cannot be trusted to live according to his ideals and who succumbs to less honourable ways of behaviour whenever the situation desires it - thus Louka tells him that she would not trust him and would keep a good watch on him and his behaviour - even eavesdropping on him. Sergius seems a person given to extremes of behaviour - swinging from the apostle" and "hero" to the "buffoon", "coward", humbug" and blackguard".

(vi) : Sergius puts himself to such a process of self examination as he is drawn to face up to who he is. Louka is the main agent at this time in the play who pushes him to this stage of self-realisation - challenging his behaviour - "have you no common sense", "its so hard to know what a gentleman considers right. I thought from your trying to kiss me that you had given up being so particular". In addition, if Raina is "making love" to someone else, he is probably asking himself why she is not as enamoured, as she makes out to be, with him.

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