Wednesday, 27 May 2015


25 (i) : Catherine had asked Raina a question concerning 'The Man' - the Swiss mercenary in the Serbian army who had sought and been given refuge in Raina's room and whose presence in their home had not been revealed to the Bulgarian soldiers or their Russian officers - and whom we now know to be Captain Bluntschli. She had wanted to know when exactly 'The Man' had climbed up to Raina's room. She questioned Raina as to whether 'The Man' had climbed up after the soldiers had gone or whether he was there even when the Russian soldier had searched Raina's room.
            Raina was hesitant in giving a definite answer. She conveyed that she was not so sure of the exact time. She said that she though that the "he must have been there then" - a very vague answer. Raina had probably initially lied to her mother telling he that the man had entered her room on;y after the Russian soldier had left.

(ii) : According to Catherine "it will all be over" between Raina and Sergius if Sergius was to come to know that Raina had given refuge to an enemy soldier and had not revealed his presence to the Bulgarian soldier and Russian officer even when Serbia was at war with Bulgaria. She means to say that Sergius would call off the engagement with Raina if he found out that Raina was so unpatriotic  to her country.

(iii) : Raina calls Sergius her mother's pet as Catherine really does seem very taken up with Sergius. It was she who had chosen him as a future partner for her daughter. She it was who had admonished Raina for keeping Sergius waiting for a whole year before she agreed to be betrothed to him. Catherine seemed so thrilled when Sergius returned from the war - she called him "My dear Sergius" and welcomed him with open arms. It was Catherine who seemed very keen that Sergius and Raina spend time with each other and strengthen their relationship. It really seemed that Catheine was very keen to have Sergius as her son-in-law.

(iv) : Raina says that her mother should marry Sergius rather than she as she was very annoyed with Catherine for pushing her relationship with Sergius so strongly especially at the time when she was confused and undecided about her realtionships - to Sergius and to Bluntschli.

(v) : According to Raina, her mother would "pet" Sergius and "spoil him, and mother him to perfection". Raina means that Catherine could not help herself pleasing Sergius and her adoration of him would only have the effect of encouraging Sergius to try to meet Catherine's expectations and reach the "heroic ideas" Raina and Catherine had spoken of in Act 1.

(vi) : Raina says that she doesn't "care" if Sergius finds out about the chocolate cream soldier or not and that she "half hopes" that he finds out about him because she is gradually coming to the realisation that she is truly in love with him in a more real way than she is with Sergius. Sergius finding out about her relationship with Bluntschli would help resolve her dilemma regarding her love.
         Raina says that she always feels a longing to do or say something dreadful to Sergius - to shock his propriety - to scandalise the five senses out of Sergius ! What she means to say that she finds that Sergius is so perfect that his perfection is getting to her and that she would like to know the real and true, human Sergius.

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